G-B7QRPMNW6J Never keep these 5 things near Tulsi or else the opposite time will knock
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Never keep these 5 things near Tulsi or else the opposite time will knock

Jyotish With AkshayG

Never keep these 5 things near Tulsi or else the opposite time will knock

Never keep these 5 things near Tulsi or else the opposite time will knock
Never keep these 5 things near Tulsi or else the opposite time will knock

In Hinduism, Tulsi is considered as revered as Goddess Lakshmi. It is believed that in the house where Tulsi resides, there resides happiness and prosperity. It is considered essential to have a Tulsi leaf in the worship of Lord Vishnu.

Tulsi is considered very sacred in Hinduism. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides in it. This is the reason why people plant it in their homes. According to the scriptures, in the houses where the Tulsi plant remains green, there remains happiness, peace and prosperity along with happiness. According to the scriptures, do not leave some things around Tulsi for happiness and peace in the family.

Do not keep these things around Tulsi

The place around the place where the Tulsi plant is present should be absolutely clean. If Tulsi is drying or wilting then it may be due to impurity. In such a situation, cleanliness should be taken care of around Tulsi every day.

There should be no litter, footwear, broom or garbage around Tulsi. Apart from this, other flowers and leaves should not be planted with basil. Actually, it is not considered right to plant another plant in the pot where the Tulsi plant is planted. By offering water mixed with milk in Tulsi, Tulsi remains green.

Many times people also offer water while lighting a lamp near Tulsi in the evening. Offering water to Tulsi in the evening is not considered auspicious. Apart from this, a vessel full of water should not be kept near Tulsi. After showing the lamp in Tulsi only, the lamp should be removed from there, because keeping an extinguished lamp under Tulsi is considered inauspicious.

In homes, Tulsi is kept covered with chunari. In such a situation, it should be kept in mind that when the chunari becomes old or bursts, then change it in Ekadashi or any auspicious time.

Often women give water to Tulsi only in the open hair after bath. Tulsi has got a boon from God to be happy forever. In such a situation, water should be offered in Tulsi by tying the hair and applying vermilion in demand.

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