The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Banana Chips - A Cautionary Tale:-
The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Banana Chips |
Banana chips are made by frying raw bananas.
In Charak Samhita (Sutrasthan: 26.100, 102) Acharya Charakji says: The food item in which juice has not been produced properly i.e. which is very raw (like raw banana) or which is full of excessive juice is considered to be very ripe. Consuming it which has been poisoned is considered against Sampad-Virudh (i.e., it is harmful to consume it before the natural qualities develop or when there is distortion in them).
The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Banana Chips |
Consuming the wrong food causes flatulence, hyperacidity, ascites, herpes, anemia, impotence, etc.
Experts say that due to the abundance of saturated fats, raw banana chips cause diseases like an increase in cholesterol, obesity, etc.
The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Banana Chips |
Consuming sugar-coated banana chips increases blood sugar, which may lead to diabetes.
Overripe or raw fruits should not be eaten under any circumstances. Eating raw banana chips or raw banana curry is inviting cancer in the future. Those who eat such salty food will sooner or later fall ill, they will suffer from the disease of Amadosh.
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