G-B7QRPMNW6J Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024 free from misconceptions about Bhadra and the lunar eclipse
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Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024 free from misconceptions about Bhadra and the lunar eclipse

Jyotish With AkshayG

Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024,
Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024, free from misconceptions about Bhadra and the lunar eclipse

The lunar eclipse:

The lunar eclipse occurring on March 25, 2024, will not be valid in India as it will be a penumbral lunar eclipse. In a penumbral lunar eclipse, the Moon passes through the Earth's penumbra, casting a light shadow on the Moon, but it is not completely eclipsed. Only total lunar eclipses are valid in India, in which the Moon completely comes under the Earth's shadow.

This lunar eclipse will not be visible in India, it will be visible only in Europe, Africa, North and South America, and Australia.

Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024
Therefore, the lunar eclipse occurring on March 25, 2024, will not be valid in India from religious and astrological points of view.

Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024
Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024, free from misconceptions about Bhadra and the lunar eclipse

Timing of Holika Dahan:

Holika Dahan is performed during Bhadra Rahitakal on March 24, 2024, on the day of Pradosh Vyapini Phalgun Purnima.

Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024
Celebrate Holi on 24 and 25 March 2024, free from misconceptions about Bhadra and the lunar eclipse

(Source = Muhurat Chintamani {Astrologer Dr. Saresh Chandra Mishra} page number 65)

Like - 'Sa Pradoshvyapini Bhadrarit Grahya. (Dharmasindhu)

If it is Bhadra at the time of Pradosh Kaal, then Holika Dahan should be performed on the next day on Pradosh Vyapini Purnima. If Purnima Pradosh-Vyapini is not observed on the second day, then burn Holi on the first day at the end of Bhadra. Holika Dahan is mandatory, in such a case, if Bhadra ends after Nishith (midnight) or in Nishith, then Holika Dahan should be done during the last period of Bhadra.

Holi 2024 Note - 

This day 24th March, 2024 Bhadrakal 7:54 pm. According to the circumstances, before Bhadra Kaal, Holika Dahan should be done from 06:33 to 07:50 in the evening or as per the scriptures, after Bhadra, Holika Dahan should be done from 10:10 PM to 12:34 in the night.

'परदिने प्रदोष-

स्पर्शाभावे पूर्वदिने यदि निशीथात्प्राक् - भद्रासमाप्तिः तदा भद्रावसानोत्तरमेव होलिका-दीपनम्। निशीथोत्तरं भद्रा समाप्तौ भद्रामुखं त्यक्त्वा भद्रायामेव।' 


This year Phalgun Purnima (No. 2080 AD) is Pradoshvyapini only on March 24, 2024 AD. On March 25, she did not touch Pradoshkaal at all. Bhadra on March 24 at 23h-13m before midnight (24-33m). But it is ending. Therefore, Holika Dahan will be celebrated on 24th March at 23h-13m. Will have to be done only after.

Night vigil for Holika Dahan and chanting and meditation - 24 March 2024

Holi, Dhulendi - 25 March 2024

This year, on March 24, 2024, Holika Dahan is Bhadra from 9-53 am to 11-13 pm. Burning of Holika during the Bhadra period is prohibited in the scriptures. Therefore, Holika Dahan should be performed at an auspicious time without Bhadra.

Auspicious time without Bhadra for Holika Dahan on 24 March 2024 -

Dwarka (Gujarat) -  11-14 pm to 1-00 am

Kavaratti (Lakshadweep) - From 11-14 pm to 12-45 pm

Mumbai (Maharashtra) - From 11-14 pm to 12-44 pm

Daman (Daman and Diu) - From 11-14 pm to 12-44 pm

Panaji (Goa)- From 11 -14 pm to 12-41 am

Pune (Maharashtra) - 11-14 pm to 12-40 pm

Jammu (Jammu-Kashmir) - From 11-14 pm to 12-36 pm

Amritsar (Punjab) - From 11-14 pm to 12-36 pm

Chandigarh - From 11-14 pm to 12-29 pm

Gurugram (Haryana) - From 11-14 pm to 12-28 pm

Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) -From 11-14 pm to 12-28 pm

Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) -From 11-14 pm to 12-27 pm

Delhi -From 11-14 pm to 12-27 pm

Leh (Leh-Ladakh) -From 11-14 pm to 12-25 pm

Bengaluru (Karnataka) -From 11-14 pm to 12-25 pm

Ahmedabad (Gujarat) -From 11-14 pm to 12-24 pm

Haridwar (Uttarakhand) -From 11-14 pm to 12-23 pm

Hyderabad (Telangana) -From 11-14 pm to 12-22 pm

Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) -From 11-14 pm to 12-18 pm

Chennai (Tamil Nadu)-From 11-14 pm to 12-15 pm

Raipur (Chhattisgarh) -11-14 pm to 12-09 pm

Visakhapatnam -11-14 pm to 12-03 pm

Patna (Bihar) -11-14 pm to 11-55 pm

Ranchi (Jharkhand) -11-14 pm to 11-55 pm

Bhubaneswar (Orissa) -From 11-14 pm to 11-52 pm

Kolkata (West Bengal) -11-14 pm to 11-42 pm

Gangtok (Sikkim) -11-14 pm to 11-41 pm

Agartala (Tripura) -11-14 pm to 11-31 pm

Guwahati (Assam) -11-14 pm to 11-29 pm

Shillong (Meghalaya) -11-14 pm to 11-28 pm

Aizawl (Mizoram) -From 11-14 pm to 11-25 pm

Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh) -11-14 pm to 11-21 pm

Imphal (Manipur) -From 11-14 pm to 11-20 pm

Kohima (Nagaland) -11-14 pm to 11-19 pm

Avoid doing these tasks on the day of Holika Dahan

On the day of Holika Dahan, happiness and prosperity in the house are wished, hence one should not consume meat and liquor even by mistake on this day.

If you wish for an increase in wealth then no matter how big the problem may be on the day of Holika Dahan, you should avoid lending and borrowing money to anyone.

Elders should always be respected and should not be insulted but avoid insulting elders, especially on the day of Holika Dahan.

If possible, one should avoid eating food at someone else's house on the day of Holika Dahan.

Many types of negative forces roam around on the day of Holika Dahan, hence women should not leave their hair open on this day and should keep it tied.

If a woman is pregnant then she should not circumambulate Holika on the day of Holika Dahan.

Holi 2024 Definitely do these things

After Holika Dahan, you should visit Chandradev along with your entire family. By doing this the fear of untimely death is removed.

Apart from this, before Holika Dahan, one should circumambulate Holika seven or 11 times and put sweets, cakes, cardamom, cloves, grains, etc. in it. This increases the happiness of the family.

Holi 2024 Offer offerings in Holika Dahan according to the zodiac sign.

According to astrology, offerings should always be made in Holika Dahan according to the zodiac sign, so that apart from happiness and wealth, there is also peace in life. Let us know which things are considered auspicious for a person of any zodiac sign to sacrifice in the fire during Holika Dahan:


People of the Aries zodiac sign should definitely offer jaggery in Holika Dahan. This will prove lucky for you.


People of the Taurus zodiac sign should offer Natasha in Holika Dahan. You will benefit by doing this.


People of the Gemini zodiac sign should offer camphor in Holika Dahan. By doing this you will get auspicious results.


People of the Cancer zodiac sign should sacrifice sugar in Holika Dahan. By doing this all your work will start getting done.


Offering jaggery will be beneficial for people of the Leo zodiac sign. By doing this all your wishes will be fulfilled.


People of the Virgo zodiac sign should offer camphor. By doing this, positive energy will reside in your house.


Offering Akshat will prove beneficial for the people of the Libra zodiac. By doing this you will achieve progress in both business and workplace.


People of the Scorpio zodiac sign should offer dry coconut. By doing this, Lord Vishnu will have special blessings on you.


People of Sagittarius zodiac sign should offer yellow mustard in Holika Dahan. If you are childless and wish to have a child, you will be successful in this.


People of the Capricorn sign should offer cloves in the fire of Holika. By doing this you will benefit in the field of business and your financial condition will improve rapidly.


People of the Aquarius zodiac sign should throw black sesame seeds in the fire during Holi Dahan. By doing this you can get relief from planetary defects.


People of the Pisces sign should add mustard in Holika Dahan. Happiness and prosperity will come to your home and you will be able to overcome every challenge easily.

|| होलिका स्तोत्र || (Holika Stotra)

पापं तापं च दहनं कुरु कल्याणकारिणि |

होलिके त्वं जगद्धात्री होलिकायै नमो नमः ||१||

होलिके त्वं जगन्माता सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायिनी |

ज्वालामुखी दारूणा त्वं सुखशान्तिप्रदा भव ||२||

वन्दितासि सुरेन्द्रेण ब्रह्मणा शंकरेण च |

अतस्त्वं पाहिनो देवि भूते भूतिप्रदा भव ||३||

अस्माभिर्भय सन्त्रस्तैः कृत्वा त्वं होलि बालिशैः |

अतस्त्वां पूजयिष्यामि भूते भूतिप्रदा भव ||४||

त्वदग्नि त्रिः परिक्रम्य गायन्तु च हसंतु च |

जल्पन्तु स्वेछ्या लोकाः निःशङ्का यस्य यन्मतम् ||५||

|| अस्तु ||

(Disclaimer - The information given in this article has been collected from various mediums like Panchang, beliefs, or religious scriptures and has been brought to you. Our aim is only to provide information. For accurate and correct decisions, consult the concerned expert as per your horoscope. must take.)

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