G-B7QRPMNW6J Makar Sankranti Unheard Shocking Secret related to the Date
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Makar Sankranti Unheard Shocking Secret related to the Date

Jyotish With AkshayG

Makar Sankranti
Makar Sankranti Kaal

Sankranti Kaal means:-

Sankranti Kaal means the time to move from one to the other. In English, it can also be called transition. Most of us have always been celebrating Makar Sankranti on 14th January, so they are finding it strange to have Makar Sankranti on 15th January this time. But now till 2081, it will be on January 15 only.

As we all know that the day of entry (transition) of the Sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn is known as "Makar Sankranti". According to astrologers, every year there is a delay of 20 minutes in this transit. Thus in three years, this difference becomes one hour and in 72 years this difference becomes a full 24 hours.

The evening is considered after 4 pm and according to Indian astrology, after the evening, any calculation related to Sun is done from the next day instead of that day. Accordingly, Makar Sankranti actually happened on 15th January from 2008 itself. But due to the absence of sunset, they used to believe on January 14 only.

In 2023, the time of Sankranti is 9.35 on the evening of 14th January, which means sunset has already happened, so Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on 15th January itself. By the way, from 2008 to 2080 Makar Sankranti has happened on 15 January. From 2081 Makar Sankranti will be on 16 January. Even after that, some people will continue to celebrate January 15 for a few years.

Sankranti has nothing to do with the date of the lunar months

Solstice has its own calculation which coincides with the English

In the range of 72 years, the solstice cycle increases by one day, in 275 it was on December 21, which has now come till January 15.

* From 1935 to 2008 Makar Sankranti was on 14 January and before 1935 it would have been on 13 January for 72 years. You should be proud of your forefathers knowing these things that - When people all over the world were living life like animals, then our forefathers were studying the universe.

Makar Sankranti

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