G-B7QRPMNW6J The Benefits of knowing the strength of the planets in the horoscope by the six types of strength of the planets from Shadbal
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The Benefits of knowing the strength of the planets in the horoscope by the six types of strength of the planets from Shadbal

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The method and benefits of knowing the strength of the planets in the horoscope by the six types of strength of the planets from Shadbal

The Benefits of knowing the strength of the planets in the horoscope by the six types of strength of the planets from Shadbal
The Benefits of knowing the strength of the planets in the horoscope by the six types of strength of the planets from Shadbal

Shadbala - The strength of planets and their positions ||

Shadbal, the measure of the strength of planets: - Shadbal is that part of astrology, which expresses the 6 types of powers of a planet. A planet receives strength through its position, vision, direction, time, speed etc. of other planets. In the calculation of Shadbal, apart from Rahu-Ketu, the powers of other seven planets are assessed. The planet which gets more marks in Shadbal becomes strong and gives its full results in its dasha and antardasha. On the contrary, a weak planet in Shadbal is unable to give its full results.

Six types of planetary forces are derived in Shadbala.

[1] Location Force -

 Gives local force / power.

This is the strength that a planet gets when it attains a special position in the birth chart. A planet gets the strength of a place when it is situated in its exaltation sign, moolatrikona, self sign, or friend sign or when the planet is in its own sign in Shadvarga.

[2] Digbal - Shows direction force / power.

Jupiter and Mercury get Digbal when they are situated in the Ascendant.

Sun and Mars get Digbal when they are in the tenth house.

Saturn gets Digbal when it is in the seventh house.

Moon and Venus get strength when they are in happiness.

[3] Kaal Bal -  Determines the power of time.

Moon, Mars and Saturn are night sacrifices, that is, when the birth is of the night.

Sun, Venus and Guru days are sacrificed.

Mercury is sacrificed in both day and night.

Sinful planets are strong in Krishna Paksha and auspicious planets are strong in Shukla Paksha.

[4] Effort force - is dynamic force.

Sun and Moon get effort force when Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, or Gemini i.e. in Uttarayan.

Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn get strength when they are retrograde.

[5] Natural Force - Provides natural force.

Sun, Moon, Venus, Guru, Mercury, Mars and Saturn are sacrificed according to their order.

Sun is the highest sacrifice, and Saturn is the least.

[6] Vision Force - Explains vision power.

In the aspect of malefic planets, the malefic power of the planet decreases and in the aspect of benefic planets, this power increases.

The Benefits of knowing the strength of the planets in the horoscope by the six types of strength of the planets from Shadbal
The Benefits of knowing the strength of the planets in the horoscope by the six types of strength of the planets from Shadbal

Benefits of extracting Shadbal :-

1. Resulting events on the basis of Shadbal brings accuracy and firmness in predictions. And this also reduces the possibilities of error.

2. After assessing the strength of the planets, it can be easily decided that which of the three Lagna, Moon and Sun should be made the basis for analyzing the Kundli of a particular person. The one who is strong among these three in Falit, it is believed to be used for Falit.

3. It becomes easy to calculate age by Pindayu or Anshayu method. Because in these methods the data required to calculate the age is required. they become available.

4. It becomes easy to get results on the basis of Mahadasha and Antardasha. Because the planets which are strong in Shadbal, they definitely give results in Dasha-Antardasha. These results can be auspicious or inauspicious.

Shadbal :-

As soon as the horoscope comes to the fore, the first thought is about the strength of the planets. Shadbal is prominent among them, another method by which the strength of a planet is known is called Vimshopak Bal. Janam Kundli, Hora Kundli, Dreshkand, Navansh, Dwadansh and Trishansh Kundli are used in Vinshopak Bal. Varg Kundalis are useful in subtle analysis of different areas of life. The Vinshopak force depends on the zodiac position of the planet in the square chart. Planets are given marks out of 20 in Vinshopak force. If the number is high, then the condition of that planet is good, if the destructive power is less, then the condition is challenging. Keeping your thoughts about this force.

Shadbal : -

As soon as the horoscope comes to the fore, the first thought is about the strength of the planets. Shadbal is prominent among them, in this video another method by which the strength of a planet is known is mentioned. It is called - Vimshopak Bal. In Vinshopak Bal 1. Janma Kundli, 2. Hora Kundli, 3. Dreshkand, 4. Navansh, 5. Dwadansh and 6. Trishansh Kundli are used. 


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