G-B7QRPMNW6J If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy
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If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy

Jyotish With AkshayG

If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope, then you can get Raja Yoga, you can be wealthy.

If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy
If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy

If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope, then you can get Raja Yoga, you can be wealthy.

Effect of conch shell created in birth chart

When Shankha Yoga is formed in the horoscope, then it indicates that the person will attain immortality by getting the head position of an institution, group. He lives like a king even without any post. He is a virtuous, wealthy and a Raja Yogi, but in this article we will review about the different doctrines and definitions of Shankha Yoga, whether there is a difference in the results of conch shells made from different faiths or not?

Description of conch shell in Phaldeepika

It has been told in Phaldeepika (6/37) that if the Kendra and the lord of the triangle are jointly situated in one house, one zodiac, then Shankha Yoga is formed, due to which the person becomes a royal, dignified person. It can be recognized separately in a crowded gathering, as a lion can be recognized in a flock of jackals.

Description of conch shell in parijat

On the other hand, in the Jataka Parijat, it is said that if the fifth lord and the sixth lord are situated in the center of each other and the ascendant is strong, then conch yoga is formed. In this yoga, there is a lot of power in the person. He is a sure warrior, that is, a person who can give his life for his decision, such a warrior who has the influence of the army and the commander in himself, while it is further told that the ascendant and the tenth lord should be situated in a variable sign, the ninth is strong. Even if it is, conch yoga is formed. In this yoga, the desire for the enjoyment of the person is more, the person is more compassionate.

If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy
If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy

Example Horoscope-1

Date of Birth: 28-8-1977

Birth Time : 21:33

Place of Birth : Jhajhar (Rajasthan)

For example, in the horoscope, the fifth lord of Sun and the lord of the 6th house, Mercury are situated in the center from each other due to being almost together in the fifth house and the ascendant Mars is strong, hence conch shell is being formed.

On the other hand, Trikonesh Jupiter and fourth Kendra, Mars (the lord of the ascendant is also considered to be the Kendrapati) is jointly placed in the sign of the benefic planet Mercury. And the ninth lord is also in a strong position.

Therefore, in the birth cycle, conch shell was created in two ways. The native is in a prominent position in an organization. The employees under him are so afraid of the native that no one can even think of doing immoral acts. Many times the natives are themselves in the movements. Comes alone to do this thing and solves matters.

If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy
If Shankha Yoga is effective in your horoscope then you can get Raja Yoga you can be wealthy

Example Horoscope-2

Date of Birth : 28 November 1969

time 21:52

Place of Birth : Panipat (Hariana)

For example, in Kundali-2 also, the sixth lord and the fifth lord Mars are in the center from each other and the ascendant moon is strong. That is why conch shell is being created. On the other hand, Kendra (lord of the fourth house) Venus and Trikonesh Jupiter are jointly in the sign of the auspicious planet Libra and the ninth lord is strong, due to which Shankha Yoga is being formed.

In this person also, the same qualities are found as in the above example Kundali-1. He is also a solid warfighter who, never caring whether his soldiers are with him or not, accomplishes his purpose single-handedly. In Brihatparashara Horashastra, almost the same definition of conch shell is found. On the other hand, it has been told in Horasara (written by Prithuyasha) that if all the planets are situated in the ninth, eleventh, first and fourth houses, even then Shankha Yoga, the provider of Raja Yoga with auspicious planets with courage, radiance, versatility, is formed.

It also comes in experience that the above rules can be more than one way in the same birth cycle or the rules of any two authors can be applicable in the same birth cycle. In such a situation, whether yoga will be more effective or not, it will also have to be seen. Taking this as the basis, we analyze the example Kundali-1, in this horoscope, the rules of two authors are applicable, in which the fifth lord and the sixth lord are also in the center from each other and the lord of the center and the triangle are located together in the auspicious zodiac. 

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