G-B7QRPMNW6J Bada Mangal Jyeshtha month is related to Shri Ram Hanuman Metting in History
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Bada Mangal Jyeshtha month is related to Shri Ram Hanuman Metting in History

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Bada Mangal Jyeshtha month is related to Shri Ram Hanuman Milan and will be formed - History of Bada Mangal

Bada Mangal Jyeshtha month is related to Shri Ram Hanuman Metting in History
Bada Mangal Jyeshtha month is related to Shri Ram Hanuman Metting in History 

According to the beliefs of Sanatan Dharma, Hanuman ji's first meeting with Shri Ram took place only on Tuesday of Jyeshtha month. Since then it is believed that all Tuesdays of this month are known as Bada Mangal or Budhwa Mangal. On this special day, kirtans are held in temples, bhandaras are held for the devotees and pyaws are installed at various places. Actually, Bada Mangal is celebrated with great pomp in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh and it is believed that it also started from here. It is said that the person who worships Lord Hanuman with a sincere heart during this time, all his troubles go away.

First Big Mangal: What to do and what not to do to get the blessings of Hanuman ji?

The person who worships Lord Hanuman with a sincere heart on the day of great Mars, all his troubles are removed. Know what to do and what not to do to get the blessings of Hanuman ji on Bada Mangal.

For the devotees of Hanuman ji, every Tuesday is special. But when it comes to Tuesday falling in the month of Jyeshtha, then the importance of this day increases even more. According to the beliefs, the first meeting of Hanuman ji with Shri Ram took place on the Tuesday of Jyeshtha month. Therefore Tuesday falling in this month is known as Bada Mangal. It is said that the person who worships Lord Hanuman with a sincere heart during this time, all his troubles go away. Know what to do and what not to do to please Lord Hanuman on this day.

First Big Mangal: What to do and what not to do to get the blessings of Hanuman ji?

Do not do this work on the day of big Mars

Very few people know that Charanamrit should not be used in the worship of Hanuman ji. Therefore, keep this in mind while worshiping Hanuman even on Big Tuesday.

According to the beliefs, the devotees who worship Hanuman ji should not even consume salt on the big Tuesday. Also, keep in mind that donated items, especially sweets, should not be consumed by itching.

If possible, wear red and yellow clothes while worshiping Hanuman ji. Take special care that never use black and white clothes in their worship.

On the auspicious occasion of Big Tuesday, do not consume meat and alcohol at all. Also, avoid sleeping during the day. If possible, recite Hanuman Chalisa or Bajrang Baan.

Do this work on the day of big Mars

Light a lamp of ghee in front of Hanuman ji on the day of Bada Mangal. Offer him a garland of roses.

After this, recite Bajrang Baan, saying your wish to Lord Hanuman. It is believed that by doing this, the blessings of Hanuman ji are obtained quickly.

If you are surrounded by some big trouble, then on this day offer the perfume of Kevada to Hanuman ji. After this take the name of Lord Shri Ram 108 times and pray to Hanuman ji to remove the trouble.

Light a mustard oil lamp under the Peepal tree on the day of big Mars. Then face the east direction and chant 11 rounds of Lord Rama's name. Pray to God for mercy. According to the beliefs, with this you will start getting the fruits of your hard work.

On the occasion of big Mars, reciting Bajrang Baan and Sundar Kand is beneficial.

Since when has Bada Mangal started this year?

This year Jyeshtha month has started from 17th May 2022 and it will end till 14th June 2022. Thus there are 5 Tuesdays in this month which are being called Bada Mangal. The special thing about Jyeshtha month of this year is that both its beginning and end will be from Tuesday, so the importance of Jyeshtha month increases even more. According to pundits, this year the dates of Big Mars are 17 May, 24 May, 31 May, 7 June and 14 June.

History of big mars

According to mythological beliefs, Bada Mangal is a unique festival of Lucknow as it is not celebrated in any other state or city. This festival is considered to be a symbol of the Ganga-Jamuni culture of Lucknow (how much do you know about Lucknow) and it is said that it started about 400 years ago during the Mughal rule.

People of both Hindu and Muslim religions celebrate Bade Tuesday with great pomp. According to its story, once the son of Nawab Muhammad Ali Shah fell very ill. Then his wife got her son treated at many places but to no avail. After this, people advised his wife to go to the ancient Hanuman temple located in Aliganj, Lucknow for the well being of her son and pray to Hanuman ji there and seek a vow. The Nawab did the same and his son also recovered completely. After this the Nawab and his wife got the Hanuman temple repaired. Water and jaggery sherbet were distributed to the residents of the city on every Tuesday of the month of Jyestha after the repair work of the temple was completed. From then on the big Mars started.

Significance of Big Mars

Big Mangal is also called Budhwa Mangal and it is believed that worshiping Lord Hanuman on this day fulfills all the wishes. Bhandara is also organized in other temples including Aliganj Hanuman Temple in Lucknow on the big Tuesday. It is believed that the devotees who worship Hanuman ji and fast on Tuesdays of this month, all their troubles are removed. Worshiping on this day removes the negative energy of life and brings happiness in the house.

How is Bada Mangal celebrated?

It is believed that on the Tuesday of Jyeshtha month, devotees organize Bhandara in the temples. Halwa-puri, potato-From Kachori, Chola-Chawal, Kadhi Rice to Juice, a variety of delicious prasad is distributed in the Bhandara. There are 4 or 5 Tuesdays in the month of Jyeshtha, in which reciting Sundarkand is considered fruitful. On this day, there is a law of special worship in temples, but even if you are unable to go to the temple, worship Hanuman ji at home. By doing this all the wishes are fulfilled.

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