G-B7QRPMNW6J These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be
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These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

Jyotish With AkshayG

These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be
These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

Do not forget to drink tea on an empty stomach in the morning, otherwise these 5 big losses will happen

But do you know that drinking tea on an empty stomach can cause a lot of harm to health. Let us introduce you to its danger.

Do not forget to drink tea on an empty stomach in the morning, otherwise these 5 big losses will happen

Often we drink tea after waking up in the morning to feel refreshed, which is commonly called bed tea. The practice of starting the day with tea is very old in India, it has become one of the habits of many people. But do you know that drinking tea on an empty stomach can cause a lot of harm to health. Let us introduce you to its danger.

High blood pressure

These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be
These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

People who are suffering from high blood pressure should never drink bed tea because the caffeine present in it increases the blood pressure as soon as it dissolves in the body, which can lead to the risk of heart diseases in the future.


These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be
These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

Often we drink tea in the morning to relieve tension and stress, but by doing so, the stress can increase more. Actually, the amount of caffeine in tea is high, which makes sleep go away in a jiffy, but health experts believe that it can increase tension.

Slow digestion

These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be
These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

Drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning is not considered good for digestion as it can cause gas problems in the stomach and slow down the digestion process.

Risk of diabetes

These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be
These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

Drinking tea with sugar on an empty stomach in the morning increases the blood sugar level and many cells of the body do not get the necessary nutrients. This increases the risk of diabetes in the long term.


These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be
These 5 big disadvantages of drinking tea empty stomach and tea in the morning can be

If you drink tea empty stomach in the morning, then leave this habit today, because doing so can cause injury to the inner part of the stomach which can cause ulcers.

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